West Hawaii Woodturners
Turning on the Big Island of Hawaii
The West Hawaii Woodturners Club (WHW) was started in 2007 and currently has a membership of about 65. We are a member of the American Association of Woodturners. The club is located on the west side of the island of Hawaii (Da BIG Island). Current board members include:

Rob Woodward
Rob Woodward - President
Kelly Dunn - Treasurer
Tom Carey - Webmaster

Tom Carey
The club was started so that turners on the west side would have eaiser access to a club without a 2 hour drive to participate in the turners club on the east side. Many members are still active in the east side club (Big Island Wood Turners). Both clubs work together on many of the special demonstrations brought to this island for our turners.
Our club has meetings every two months at our clubhouse. Click here for map. Meetings are on Saturdays and start at 10am and end at 2pm. The meetings inlcude the normal club business and information on seminars visited by members along with upcoming events. Each meeting the members present the challenge pieces they have made and discuss how they made them along with ideas from other members on how to make them better, it's all a helpful and constructive process to better our abilities and push our boundaries. Everyone walks away with new ideas and information to help them in turning.
The first half of the meeting concludes with a lunch break and the second half is a hands on demonstration of some type of turning technique by one of our members. Some of our members are world renowned turners who do turning for a living or have at some point specilized in one aspect of turning. The knowledge of these members along with members who are pushing their own skill level gives us all wonderful information on existing ways of doing things and newfound techniques, tips and tricks. Everyone goes away with more knowledge on turning and new ideas for furture work. Sharing our skills and love for turning is the driving force of this club.
If you would like to attend one of our meetings or join our club we welcome everyone with an intrest in turning no matter what skill level you might have.
If you are a turner and visiting our island you are more than welcome to join us at a meeting!